Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Will It Ever End?

When will it end? When will my life stop being paraded around like some sort of lab experiment gone bad? Will my name ever stop coming up at dinner conversation with people that are three states away? Will curiosity cease as to who I am dating, what I am doing, how much I am making, where I am going to go to school? When will it let up enough so that when I make a decision for my life I can feel confident in knowing it is what is best for me and it is not what everyone expects of me? What did I ever do to make people compare their lives to mine to measure their success? Will it ever stop hurting? Will it stop tearing me apart every time someone tells me that they heard inquiries about me? Will I ever be able to move, breathe, feel, love, enjoy without someone over my shoulder second guessing and trying to make more out of it than it is? Will the lies about me cease or will they continue? Will I ever feel like I have been accepted for me?

Monday, March 12, 2001


Yesterday a mother rushed from her house to drop her kids off at day care before walking the streets of New York. Yesterday a son left with his mind on the business meetings scheduled that day. Yesterday a daughter began work after years of education that didn't come cheap. Yesterday a father began a new job intent on providing for his family. Yesterday a young man determined for a reconciliation with his wife as she hoped. Yesterday an ordinary man pulled on a uniform and became an extraordinary hero. Yesterday it took a moment and everything changed.

Yesterday a catastrophic tragedy occurred. Yesterday lives were lost. Yesterday fear settled in. Yesterday the unimaginable happened. Yesterday will give way to tomorrow.

Tomorrow we can determine to care for the children who won't see their mother again. Tomorrow we can achieve business in the honest fashion to respect the memory of the son. Tomorrow we can create a scholarship in tribute to the daughter who worked her way through school. Tomorrow we can reach out a helping hand to the family who lost their father. Tomorrow we can endeavor to not react in anger learning a lesson from the young couple. Tomorrow we can't erase the memories but we can learn from them. Tomorrow we can pray that yesterday won't happen again. Tomorrow we can thank God for our next breath. Tomorrow we can improve the quality of life. Tomorrow we can learn not to take time for granted. Tomorrow we can appreciate the sacrifices of yesterday. Tomorrow we will look back with pride at the unity that the country showed. Tomorrow we can appreciate the lessons learned yesterday that will change our outlook forever. Tomorrow gives us a new day with new beginnings.