Thursday, June 14, 2012

Re-visiting "ing"

It's been a while since I had reason to compare dating and interviewing.  I've spent the past two years in a job that I've mostly liked and always appreciated.  The dating thing hasn't been that consistent but I have left the entity of dating alone for a while.

As time passes it is normal to reevaluate and consider your position on the things in life that are negotiable.  Dating and interviewing are both being called into question in my world these days.  I may find myself once again having to interview as my company is downsizing in the next few months.  Dating is being called into question because I'm finding the desire for a family of my own to be growing.

I'm not excited to be unemployed.  I hate trying to sell myself.  There is so much pressure to be the "right" candidate that one wrong word can have your resume hitting the circular file and you have to go do it all again somewhere else.

I've also had to reconsider my position on dating.  I've never enjoyed dating as it is commonly executed.  I've had friends who have stayed with their significant others until someone better came along even though they weren't really happy in that relationship.  I've probably taken dating to the further extreme and not dated someone that I might enjoy spending time with because I can't see myself with them long term.

I can't revert completely to arranged marriages but I am not sure I'm ready for this 21st century dating. In the past couple of months two people that I know have had success with online dating.  I gave my two cents about online dating not too long ago.  I've had to reexamine though to see if I was missing the picture.

Honestly I am not sure where I stand.  I deactivated Facebook because I was being harassed by someone that I knew as a good guy but the computer screen gave him more courage than a six pack.  I began reducing the "social media" in my life and  yet found myself drawn to a website to see if I could mingle until I met a match.  I wonder if I didn't just defeat the purpose of deactivating Facebook to increase the personal contact in my world.

I signed up to see if I could mingle online.  I think as much as I'd like to say I'm a confident, independent woman who is with it, I'm not sure I'm advanced enough for online dating.  Maybe I am an old fashioned girl underneath it all.  I'd like to say that I'm progressive but I am thinking I'm not quite as far along as I've convinced myself.  The more I read about relationships the more I believe that the man should be the instigator.  I'm not going to smile, poke, and prod someone into speaking with me in an attempt to discover if he is the one.

For the future I think I'll leave the job search to the internet and the opportunities to meet guys to the close encounters of the personal kind.