Thursday, December 6, 2001

A Life

The night ended as dawn began to cut through the darkness. A young woman pulled herself out of the arms that held her. She quietly pulled her clothes on before grabbing her jacket and keys and walking out the door. She got into her car beginning the 20 minute drive home. She always dreaded this drive and the memories that haunted her. She pressed her foot a little harder on the gas pedal hoping to cut even a few minutes off of this agonizing drive. It was to no avail as her mind brought her back to a time that she thought was best forgotten.

Months earlier this same drive had been made without any condemning thoughts only a sense of freedom. She loved him. They would be together forever she was certain. Her heart raced as memories of last night flooded her mind. Roses and candles had softened the masculine appeal of his room. One lone lamp dimly lit one corner of the room where wine glasses and soda made a startling contraction. The cd player crooned soft music. He had taken her hand and led her to the bed. A smile had graced her face as one hand left the steering wheel to touch the dainty necklace. Her hand then returned to the steering wheel as a bus slowed down in front of her. The children gaily ran onto the bus as she smiled at the sight. They paid no heed to the clouds that loomed overhead threatening to dampen the spirit of all who saw them. No the clouds were mocking her but she was in such a euphoric state that she paid no mind.

A few weeks later things did not look as bright as they had before. She was not feeling well and he was not as caring as he had promised he would be. A home pregnancy test revealed what she had known but denied.

She went to him scared and confused looking for love and support. She found anger and blame. Gone were the words of promise that he had made. Angry words left his mouth condemning her to deal with this on her own.

In desperation she made a decision. She had been told that it was not a life but cruel and unusual punishment for someone so young. She could be rid of this aggravation with a simple procedure and a small price.

Her heart stopped as she realized once again the gravity of what she had done. Her car was stopped behind a bus picking up a child. She willed it to move so she could escape her prison of thoughts and regret. Her eyes slowly slid over and took in the site that greeted her every time she drove home. A mother holding her young child cradled in her arms. Sobs escaped the young girl's body as she was hit with the realization that it had indeed been a life.