Thursday, December 19, 2002

Your Pain

I know it is hurting you and there is not a darn thing I can do to help. The tears in your eyes, the pain in your voice, and the helpless slump of your shoulders scare me. I can't stop this disease that is spreading. If only it were a cancer then I could help but this infection is so much worse.

Hate-it has settled over you. You don't carry it around. Your outlook on life shows not a trace of the hostility. This hate is embodied in people around you. It has taken you prisoner. You did not do anything to deserve the brutal massacre that you are living. You were an innocent bystander until forced to deal with the fallout.

Why someone would set their sights on you baffles me. Why someone would choose to live their life with a chip on their shoulder out to get those who don't live their life that way is beyond me. They seem no different than you and me yet they target the happy like they are offended they live their lives joyously. Is there a logical explanation for their behavior? Was it a childhood filled with pain, one bad experience, a genetic endowment? Did they choose that path of life to walk down?

Hate, like a rain cloud, come in covering the light. It snuffs out the bright. Unlike a rain cloud that brings refreshing after it moves on hate crushes. It flattens the beautiful. It pulverizes the simple. All that is cherished in a human spirit is bruised.

It doesn't have to win though. Evil battles good. All that is lovely may appear weaker for a time but ultimately victory will be possessed. Never give into the hate because it does more damage to those who house it then those who see it.

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