Tuesday, June 17, 2003


I am proud to be a woman. Truthfully there are days when I wonder if being a male would be easier but it only once a month that those thoughts cross my mind. What woman wouldn't want to leave behind the PMSing, nylons, skirts, bras, make-up, chauvinism, and all that jazz?

I celebrate my femininity. I believe woman should appreciate the differences and uniqueness that we possess. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are as individual as our fingerprints and twice as important. Where though is the line that sends us over the edge of celebrating to cheapening?

If I was to whole heartedly celebrate my femininity then my breasts, legs, belly button would not be what I honored. I would appreciate the inner beauty that I possess. I'd be grateful for my kindness and compassion, freedom to work and vote. The forum to voice my thoughts and opinions. The blessing I cherish to dream and the determination I possess to achieve those dreams. The outlook that I hold on life. My family that loves and supports me. My friends that have graced me with their presence. The men that have taught me lessons about myself and looked beyond the surface. My love for children. The things that at the end of the day cause me to smile and remind me that life is worth every heartache. The loyalty, honesty, free spirited fun that dwells in the people around me. Laughter and how it can relieve the stress of the day. Candles illuminating and softening the harsh world around me. My capability to do some of the same things that men can do and the impossibility to do others. The comfortable transition I make from situation to situation. The familiarity with the basketball court and the kitchen (thanks Dad). the ease with which I move from work to home, quiet to loud, calm to competitive, gentle to protective, listening to talking.

I would celebrate me and not my body which in 15 years won't look the same. I risk so much in placing all of my worth in physical attributes. Sex may sell but what price am I willing to pay?

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