Sunday, October 5, 2003

Life Goes On

Why is it that you can be in the middle of a large group of people and feel like you are the only person in this capacious planet? The noise could be thunderous and the entertainment riveting but yet there appears to be nothing or no one around you. It is as if all the colors of your surroundings are blackened out. Try as you might you can't shake the loneliness. It isn't for lack of trying or a half hearted effort but there seems to be no satisfaction or sense of completion. You face a sea of faces most of whom have a genuine concern or interest in your life, yet you can't seem to relate on a deep enough level to be fulfilling. You don't know what to do. You ask yourself time and time again if there is something wrong with you and if there was how do you fix it? You feel like you are watching a continuous movie that depicts life but you aren't a player. You badly desire to be written into the script but it appears that isn't gonna happen anytime soon. You resign yourself to being compared to the dog in the opening credits of Life Goes On. Ya know the one I am talking about, the one that they forgot to feed every week.

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