Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Your One Beauty

In Little Women Jo, the main character, needs to raise money for train fare to send her mother to the side of their wounded father. She was sent to be money from their spinster Aunt. Jo instead goes off and sells her hair for $25. When she returns home with the generous sum of money, everyone asks how she attained it. She whisks off her bonnet and says "I sold my hair." Her youngest sister, Amy's response, "Jo, your one beauty!"

I've had ridiculously long hair for years. I was blessed with a natural blonde color that managed to be not only shiny but also hard to attain from a bottle. If there is one area in my life that I'm vain about it would be my hair. I'm not opposed to throwing it into a ponytail, but I have to admit having shiny hair that nearly reached my waist was a mark of pride for me.

Tonight I chopped it all off.  A good friend is a wonderful hair dresser and I went and allowed her to chop it to just below my chin. I had no hesitation doing it because she saved a foot long ponytail for Locks of Love. I'm sure there are days ahead when I'll regret doing it, but I won't regret that my hair is giving a child a wig.

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