Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Every 9/11 we go back to that day when the worst of humanity threw a cheap shot. The pain and fear billows back as we remember the horror of that day. This year I want to do something new. I want to look forward. 

I promise
 to honor those who died that day and every day since to prevent atrocities like that from occurring to innocent people - domestic and foreign.
 to be grateful each day that I have been blessed with family, friends, a job, and opportunities for the future.
 to not take for granted the freedoms I have been gifted by the sacrifices of too many.
 to live every moment as though it might be my last.
 to hold my tongue when anger swells.
 to not miss an opportunity to say "I love you."
 to remember to say "please" and "thank you."
 to judge someone not by the superficial but by the depth of their heart.
 to not deny others the freedoms that I often take for granted.
 to recognize sacrifice - small and large.
 to not speak my complaints because someone has it worse than me.
 to not worry about what I can't control, but to control myself.
 to take a moment and absorb the world around me.
 to smile because life is too short to be angry all the time.
 to not take for granted the people who I'm privileged to know.
 to avoid the discrimination of labels and embrace the knowledge of both sides.
 to let go of past hurts and pray for those who hurt me.
 to let the little things in life remain little.
 to not waste a moment on indecision and fear.
 to give more than I take.
 to add to this list with the things I learn tomorrow and ever day after.

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