Friday, March 14, 2014

Heart of the Country

Heart of the Country by Rene Gutteridge

True story. I read this book after seeing the movie. I couldn't figure out why the title and cover of the movie were so familiar. Then one day I stumbled upon the book in my Kobo account. It clicked.

The book is always better than the movie.

Luke Carraday rode into Faith's life like a knight on a white steed. His family lived in the castle on the hill. Ok, not really, but the Carraday's weren't hurting for money. Faith, a simple country girl, was suddenly living the life she'd always dreamed of. Until the day Luke was arrested for his part in a Ponzi scheme. Faith finds herself stuck between the family she left and the in-laws who never really approved. Eventually facing the family she had abandoned became her only choice.

Returning to the country where she grew up, Faith finds she has more growing to do. The only question is will Luke be there or is the new Faith one whose life won't have room for Luke?

It took longer than normal from start to finish with Heart of the Country. Mostly because I'd spoiled the story for myself by watching the movie.

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