Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Weapons of War

It attacks out of nowhere bringing with it confusion, anguish, desperation, doubt. It comes at the most inopportune times. It wreaks havoc in your life as it leaves no corner of your mind untouched.

Its name is self doubt. It is a ruthless predator. It will bring confusion to everything you have ever known.

Self doubt is not partial to its prey. It will attack the multimillionaire who runs a successful business to the homeless person hoping to get out of the slump they are in. It feeds on the young and old alike. It kills dreams with a single swoop. No one is immune when it has you targeted.

Some people are able to brush it aside easily while it haunts others. The more you brush it aside the harder it comes at you the next time. When it finally breaks through the barriers it rips you apart.

I do not know why we fear it like we do. It should not be allowed to run our lives like it does. You see it is breed in lies.

The more often it tells you that you are not smart enough, pretty enough, or talented enough it lies. It is hoping to break down the truth so that you believe it. The more you hear something the more likely you are to believe it and self doubt knows this. You are pretty enough, smart enough, and talented enough to do anything your mind can imagine.

Albert Einstein, Christopher Columbus, Alexander Graham Bell, Madame Curie, Michael Jordan, Mariah Carey, Kathy Freeman, everyone you can think of has experienced it. You do not believe me ask them yourself. They accomplished though what they imagined. They discovered, invented, set records, and broke records that they one day only imagined. Now they have proven what it means to dream big. They overcame their self doubt and accomplished that which had been once dubbed impossible.

Do you doubt the power of the mind? It is one of the most powerful tools God ever gave man.

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