Monday, January 21, 2013

The Heart of A Hero series

The Heart of a Hero series by Shelley Gray.

A Texan's Promise
A Texan's Honor
A Texan's Choice

I'm not really big into historical fiction books. It was a different culture back then and I'm a bit of free spirit and can't relate to woman who won't speak unless spoken to. I read A Texan's Promise and couldn't wait to dive into A Texan's Honor. Then I discovered A Texan's Choice was being published and I anticipated the third book.  Gray's female characters aren't pushovers but they aren't brash women either. Her Texan Heroes are good men who sometimes have to do bad things. A former soldier, an undercover agent, and a gunslinger all have blood on their hands. Together though these men and the women they love are stronger together.

A Texan's Promise
Clay Proffitt is the foreman of the Circle Z Ranch. One night he discovers Vanessa Grant in the barn bruised from her stepfather. Determining he can't allow this to happen again he takes her away to leave with his sister. The problem? This means weeks on the trail alone together. Clay wanting to protect Vanessa as best he can marries her. It's Vanessa's dream come true. Clay worries he's only taken her from one bad situation to another. As Clay tends to Vanessa's physical wounds can she help him heal his internal wounds? A Texan's Promise takes us to the days of Cowboys. Clay has a good heart but will he surrender it to Vanessa?

A Texan's Honor
Jamie Ellis boarded a train intending to go live with her spinster aunts after her parent's death. Unfortunately that train was being robbed by the famous Walton Gang. Will McMillan and the famous gunslinger, Scout Proffitt, are in charge of the hostages. Things escalate quickly when the Gang's plan goes awry. Will removes Jamie before she can get caught in the crossfire between the Marshalls threatening to end the Walton Gang once and for all and the Walton Gang insistent upon living another day. Scout Proffitt is sent to kill Will and Jamie when they are discovered missing. Jamie trusts Will despite his apparent crooked ways. Can she forgive him after she hears the secret he's been keeping from her?

A Texan's Choice
At the end of A Texan's Honor, Scout Proffitt was looking for a clean start. He'd won a homestead in a game of poker and was ready to settle down. He wanted to hang up his gun belt and live his life in peace or as much peace as a former gunslinger could find. He didn't expect his homestead would come with a cast aside woman by the name of Rosemarie. When Rose's mother and sister find out that their deceased father gambled away the Circle C Ranch, Rose's mother takes the opportunity to unload her dreamer of a daughter. Rose abandoned offers to assist Scout in improving the neglected homestead until she can make other arrangements.Interfering neighbors soon descend and Scout and Rose find themselves married. No sooner are they married then Scout's skills with a gun are needed to stop a band of renegades terrorizing ranchers.

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