Friday, May 8, 2015

S-p-e-l-l i-t o-u-t

"A man who went to all this trouble will definitely use the nuke if he gets his hands on it." Paraphrasing Hawaii 5-0 tonight.

I've been scratching my head to answer the question "how do people find conclusive evidence Brady cheated in the Wells report?" I realized why. People need to be led by a collar and leash to a conclusion. A six or seven word headline is what most readers will comprehend. 1% of those who offer an opinion on Brady's guilt or innocence haven't read the entire report. Of those who did most need a clearly stated directive as they can't draw a conclusion to themselves.

It's a conspiracy by Hollywood to make stupid TV viewers so the NFL can brainwash us all to blindly follow their manipulations. /sarcasm

However, I am sincerely amazed at TV dialogue. If it doesn't lay a clear path....

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