Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

It is Memorial Day weekend. To many that means a three day weekend, the official start of summer, permission to wear white, and the end of another school  year. I'm stuck on Memorial Day this year.

I'm currently reading American Sniper. Recently I finished No Easy Day and Seal of God. I'm absolutely amazed at the men and women who volunteer their time and some their lives in the pursuit of freedom. They are a special breed. They aren't made of the same material as the rest of us. I use the word volunteer because they don't do it for notoriety or for money. If it wasn't such a consuming passion for them, they'd have chosen other professions.

In American Sniper Chris Kyle talks about his priorities - God, country, family. He claims he was a man in a world of black and white. There was no gray in his world. He killed so there would be one less person threatening his country. He believed so thoroughly in his calling as a SEAL that he was willing to push to the background everything else.

Right now there are thousands upon thousands of men and women doing the same. They've left their families behind to fight so we can BBQ with ours on Monday. They've given up all the comforts of home so we feel safe in ours. They stand between us and those who threaten our freedom so we can enjoy our freedom.  Thank you!  Thank you to every man, woman, son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, and friend. is having a Memorial Day sale. Use MEM2013 at checkout to save 10% and get free shipping. You can send one to a random military hero to say thank you.  :)

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