Saturday, May 11, 2013

Busy busy busy busy busy busy

Here is a confession that might make you think less of me.  I own NSYNC's N the Mix. Don't judge me it was many years ago that I bought it when JT was just Justin and he was tolerable. At one point Timberlake described tour life as "busy busy busy busy."  That is how my life has been the past few weeks.

I keep making observations throughout the day and using the Blogger app to post them up here. However, when I arrive here I can never find them. A lot of random thoughts are floating aimlessly through cyber space. They lost their way to you.

I leased a new car a few weeks ago!  I upgraded my Mazda3 to the Mazda6. It is a nice ride and has more room in the backseat for friends. I also went with a darker color which is very pretty but shows the dirt so easily. Especially this time of year as the pollen is falling and it is practically neon green.

There is a job that I've applied for. I'm holding on tightly to hope that I'll receive an offer. Everything about it sounds perfect but there have been a few hiccups along the way. After some missed reminders and some confusion, I managed to speak with all the essential team members. As of the end of last week, they were checking references. My fingers are still crossed.  That might explain why I am struggling with typing so much today.

Kobo had a great sale today 30% off most of their books and you could use the code as many times as you wanted. I placed the code at the end of this entry if you are interested. I purchased some books that I've been eagerly anticipating:
The Surivor by DiAnn Mills
Talon and Whole Pieces by Ronie Kendig
When A Secret Kills  by Lynette Eason
Rescue Team by Candace Calvert

Look for reviews coming soon. It is a rainy day in New England and I'm going to spend the rest of it reading.

I found myself in Target today after celebrating Mom's birthday with my parents and aunt. I purchased Michael Buble's new CD with the bonus tracks. I realized that I've been buying less and less CDs and downloading instead from iTunes.  However, Target devised this evil marketing strategy to release additional tracks exclusive only to the CDs sold in their stores. It is mean I tell you. Especially since the new car has Pandora, a USB to hook up the iPod, and BlueTooth for my phone.

I think that is all for me for today. I'm wiped. I'm going to go find my favorite blanket, some root beer, plain M&Ms, and read one of my new books. Below is the Kobo code for anyone interested.


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