Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A week's worth of random thoughts

if I can remember all of them.

Today I'll be saying good-bye to an old friend.  Mozzie has been around for almost three years. He and I have had some awesome adventures. Sadly the lease has come to an end and it is time to upgrade him. I wonder if this is how women with multiple husbands feel.

I had to clean him out last night. It is amazing what can accumulate in a car in three years. Even though he wasn't ever really cluttered it took a couple of trips to get everything out of him. Somehow I own three umbrellas and yet I never use one.

Remembering all my random thoughts for the past week might be harder than I thought.

Friday night was girl's night. It started with an ACS fundraiser and spilled into a dive bar. One of the other committee members is hosting a fundraiser at a bar that she used to work at. The problem with dive bars is the number of locals who have graduated from a couple of beers to six or eight a night. The progression may have been gradual but it reaches the point where peeps get handsy. It is even more amusing when they happen to be a politician.

Relay month is here. It is the final thirty days before Relay happens. It means a lot of preparation for a good event. I'm getting excited as this is the first year I'll be able to attend all 24 hours.

Scream 4 is playing in the background. I had forgotten how ridiculous these movies are. The sad thing is that they know it because someone did clue them in and yet they didn't make an effort to improve them.

This weekend will be the new cars first trip to my happiest place on Earth. My friend and I will be meeting to celebrate her birthday. I'm stoked. It is going to be a great day! We are going to see Iron Man 3.

I know there is a lot I'm forgetting. I guess I'll have to do mini updates as I remember. Right now it is time to go get ready for work. I've got to get through the next few hours before I can go get the new car.  :)

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