Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I've been browsing Twitter. It is an absolutely amazing window in the opinions of a sampling of people. Of course there are a few hot topics tonight but the one that seems to be jumping is gun control and the NRA's influence on Washington.

I'm not political. I don't respect politicians. I don't believe that any of them tell the truth. They all mislead lie to get a seat that they believe is a show of power. I don't know the full details of this bill that just got denied.

What I do know is that an awful lot of people are screaming about how Washington just killed our children and yet they support abortion.  Can we talk hypocrisy? Apparently we want to control an inanimate object that isn't harmful to anyone unless a person wields it, but we don't want to police ourselves.

This is what it all comes down to me. We don't want to take responsibility for our actions/decisions. We want to ban an object that won't choose to harm anyone. We want to prevent access to an object so it can't be used to kill someone instead of holding ourselves accountable for hurting someone. Why aren't we teaching and exercising respect to each other. Let's teach our children to be kind. Let's stop supporting bullying and cruelty.

It is a sad state that our society is in. We deny everyone freedoms in order to prevent a few from perpetrating crimes. I have respect for life. Which is why it doesn't matter if I am handed a .45 or a tank, I won't take a life.

I'm absolutely not against stronger background checks for those buying guns. I am absolutely against the government taking control. There is a long list in history of why this can't happen. Let's not repeat the mistakes of those who gave their lives learning these lessons.

There are a lot of thoughts running through my mind, but I need to go write some things for ACS. I don't think we'll ever reach an acceptable compromise on gun control. There will always be one side or another screaming.

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