Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Remember that venting that I did?

 I vented about a situation a few days ago. I didn't go into details because there is a chance that someday that person may end up reading this blog if she doesn't already. It would no doubt send her into tears if I was to put it all out there. Just remember that the incident that was the catalyst for that rant was inconsequential if not for her picking at it.

Tonight it was resurrected. I thought it was dead but remember that comment about picking at it? Through text it was resuscitated. I did my best to politely diffuse the situation but (if I knew how to type out the sound that nails make when they are used to scratch something I would insert them here). I did my best to remain calm and rational. However, it wasn't meant to be.

By nature I am not a mean person. I made a decision long ago to treat each person with respect and kindness. My goal in life is to build someone up. At my funeral I want people to be able to say "she was always nice to me." It doesn't matter who you are. I don't get joy out of hurting your feelings, making you cry, upsetting you, arguing with you, etc.

The texting wouldn't stop. I eventually had to be firm which I knew would make this individual cry. In the nearly five years that I have known her, I have taken extra care to be aware of her overly sensitive feelings. She'll cry over things that have nothing to do with her and yet she makes everything about her. Many have abandoned their friendship with her because their patience ran out. It takes a lot of effort to spend time with her. I was polite but firm. I didn't call her names but I told her that she was creating an issue and if she'd just back off it would all be ok. The picking continued. I then explained that it really needed to be dropped because this was all pointless.

Well, it has been silence since. I'm grateful for the silence because it means that this situation isn't being discussed still.  However, now I feel guilty. I know I shouldn't because I didn't say anything inappropriate or mean. As a matter of fact I know I was kinder than some who have had confrontations with her in the past. I've witnessed people be far worse to her. It is my own head that is demanding I apologize. I don't know how I'd phrase the apology. I can't apologize for what I've said because it wasn't wrong. I don't know if I should apologize for upsetting her because she certainly won't apologize for adding to the stress in my life with the completely unnecessary picking.

I'm sure the next time we see each other I will end up apologizing somehow. I'm a peacemaker by nature. It sucks though because it seems like there is always that little angry North Korean looking to lob nukes at you just to get his fifteen minutes.

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